Amik | Systems

Stainless steel surfaces

According to expert opinions, surfaces made of non-rusting stainless steel provide an excellent prerequisite for systematic hygiene concepts in hospitals, laboratory facilities, etc. thanks to the special properties of this material.

Stainless steel does not emit any metallic ions to the surroundings, so that any unforeseeable associated risks may be ruled out with certainty. Stainless steel represents a particularly smooth and inert permanently scratch and abrasion free surface. These hard and homogenous characteristics allow the highest hygiene standards to be maintained at all times.

As stainless steel is also not attacked by acids or bases thanks to the passivity of the coating, no interactions occur between the metal surface and cleaning agents. Also, no bio-film caused by residual germs arises on stainless steel surfaces which are in frequent contact with disinfectants and cleaning agents. In addition, inert stainless steel surfaces reliably prevent reactions with oxygen in the air or even the formation of rust. 


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